Gynecology that meets every patient's needs

We are committed to providing comprehensive care, based on customization and respect for individual experiences.
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One in four individuals with a vulva experiences genito-pelvic pain at least once in their lifetime. That's 60 million people in Europe.
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Our philosophy

Gynecology requires personalized 
and holistic treatments

It all starts with a community of patients

We listen to and represent the stories of thousands through our community. Now, we can also concretely support them with all the services they need.

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We rely on a solid scientific board

We use technology to create increasingly efficient solutions and the support of our experts to provide services based on the latest scientific research.

Zoe Sever

Sexologist, Clinical Consultant, and Researcher

Sonia Ponzo

Cognitive Psychologist and Expert in Digital Health

Luca Bello

Gynecologist Specialized in Sexual Dysfunctions and STIs

Fabrizio Bogliatto

Gynecologist specialized in vulvo-vaginal conditions

Giorgio Galizia

Urologist specialized in urogenital diseases

We build solutions with our patients

No solution can truly be called such if it hasn’t been designed together with those who will use it. At Hale, patients have been involved from day one in designing and testing our services.

Our approach is based on scientifically validated methods

Chronic Pelvic Pain in Women: A Review

Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) is a challenging condition that affects an estimated 26% of the world's female population. Chronic pelvic pain accounts for 40% of laparoscopies and 12% of hysterectomies in the US annually even though the origin of CPP is not gynecologic in 80% of patients.

ESHRE guideline: endometriosis

Endometriosis is a disease characterized by the presence of endometrium-like epithelium and/or stroma outside the endometrium and myometrium, usually with an associated inflammatory process (International Working Group of AAGL, ESGE, ESHRE and WES et al., 2021).

Guidelines for the management of vulvodynia

These guidelines for the management of vulvodynia have been prepared by the British Society for the Study of Vulval Diseases Guideline Group. They present evidence-based guidance for treatment, with identification of the strength of evidence available at the time of preparation of the guidelines.

Want to work with us?

Whether you are a patient, a specialist, or a research institution, we are always open to listening. Contribute to the future of Gender Medicine.